
Friday, January 29, 2016



I'm tired of rewriting again and again my tips when people ask.It is getting annoying when people who asked for it did not practise the tips #expectnothingsothatyouwontbedisappointed

1. Never starve yourself.Nothing good will ever happen if you starve yourself.Your body will be in starvation mode and when you start to eat normally back;you will gain all those pounds you have shed.

2. Breakfast like a king,lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper.Start your day with healthy breakfast and eggs are perfect choice!Half-boiled eggs are my favourite since they are rich in protein and omega-3.Protein keeps you full for a longer period.Don't forget to take carbohydrate too.

3. Drink 2l of water everyday.Water keep you sane and it keeps you dehydrated.Ditch that freaking soda and start to drink lemon-fused or plain water added with 1tbs of honey and sprinkled with chia seeds.Gosh,so refreshing!And,never forget your green tea.Make sure you drink a lot of water okay,it does wonder.

4. Never eat after 8pm.Well,all these times I only know that you shouldn't eat past 10pm.But,actually you should not eat 4hours before you go to sleep.If your stomach grumbles,grab raisin and drink water.Sometimes you are just thirsty and craving (damn that maggie packet in my cupboard)

5. Eat more greens and fruits and leave the fast food forever.Yes,if you are that strong.But we gotta admit it,burger is very delicious and it is different with shawarma or tortilla.Pizza is pizza and burger is burger.So,just have your fast food twice a year 😆.One during your birthday and one suka hati kau la bila..

6. Exercise 150minutes a week.Easy peasy especially if you are still studying.I am in Dengkil right now and it is safe in sha Allah to jog around at night (8-10pm) and morning (starting 7am onwards).Do cardio and add more workout after a while.When I did my first cardio workout for 10minutes I felt like I am going to die.But I did not,thankfully.Now,10minutes cardio is only a warm-up.I work out at least 40 minutes everyday but sometimes during my bad day I do 10 minutes cardio and 10 minutes leg/abs workout.

7. Get support from family and friends!I am so lucky alhamdulillah because I got full support from ibu and all.In fact,my aunts are all in their fitness journey.We share tips in whats apps group.It is good to know each other's progress 😄.My housemates are supportive too,they cheered me up when I almost gave up working out 💕.

8. The goal is not being skinny but to get fit.Being skinny does not mean that you are healthy.There are many disavantages if you are underweight,same goes to if you are overweight or obese.

"Eat healthy and exercise regularly then the weight will take care of itself."

In some cases,you might not losing weight but you gain muscle.It is a good thing!Those lean muscle will make your body look freaking good.

9. If you want to lose weight ; remember that losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise.I get mad when people translate diet to starvation or restricting food intake 😠.Diet means pemakanan.Healthy diet ye everyone.

Try to incorporate sunnah in your life.I try my best to follow sunnah like sleeping early and wakeup early.Eating moderately,chewing food 40x,drink honey,eat raisin,drink milk,eat kurma and lots more.


These are all my tips.Remember it is in your hand whether you want to get fit or not.If you want it,then you work for it.You do not need other people to push you.It is all start with yourself.

It takes hard work,dedication and perseverance to endure this.In sha Allah.Get fit,Malaysia!

(Try to do your own research too.Your hard work will be paid off in sha Allah.I have lost 7kg in 2months,if I can do it,so do you 💪 )

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