
Friday, April 1, 2016

Understanding V Pure & Raw Memorisation

I went for consultation with my lecturer today,6 days and 10 days before I will sit for the papers...

And I wonder why the heck I wait till this hours to ask for help.

I should have done earlier.I should seek for help months before.I think I should go for consultation before March..

There we go.Regret.Regret.Regret.

Can you not regret,Khadijah?

By the way,here are tips she give.

1) Understanding
-Madam said that you WAJIB understand what you are reading.Okay,what is contract,how is it considered contract,what are the elements,how it happens.

So don't memorise it raw.Dulu time maahad I need to hafal many many many ayat Al-Quran pun I did not hafal raw.I look for the meaning,and familiarise myself with the reading.Only then I started memorising.


Cemana leh lupa lak.

2) Answer according to what the questions want.

So in LAW037,the question about court jurisdiction carries 20 marks.Naively I asked, "is that mean I have to provide 20 points?"

Ye la dulu time Sejarah kena ada bilangan points according to the markah.Kalau 15 markah,nak 15 point.Mati la hang hapai semua tu.

Madam said that, "nasiblah you kalau dia tanya.Kalau yang you belajar banyak tu,letaklah banyak tu.Mungkin 1 point dua markah.Macam dia suruh letak dua differences dapat 5 markah dan dia suruh letak 5 differences tapi dapat 5 markah" jokingly she added "ikut suka kitorang nak bagi berapa markah."

Lepastu aku bagi jurisdiction yang aku salin bulat-bulat from buku Understanding Malaysian Legal System,Wan Arfah.Tapi tak sedar buku yang aku punya undang-undang 2008.Sedangkan ada pindaan 2010 untuk jurisdiction session court.

Maka madam pun nasihat "ish ish ish bahaya Khadijah ni " 😔 nasib baik consulted ngan madam..tidak mesti aku salah lagi :(

3. Explain using your words
Law language is somehow twisty,confusing,long and tiring.So you need to understand the matters discussed and interpret it using your own sentence.

If you merely memorise it without understanding it...disaster will happen.Perhaps you will fail when it comes to application and perhaps you will forget what you have memorised.Mana kepala mana ekor pun dah tak nampak.

Madam said "bayangkan 20 tahun dah berlalu you masih ingat apa yang you belajar"

The power of understanding weh.

"The textbook's way of explaining is long and lenghty because it provides many illustrations so that you will understand.While the way I explain in classes is different because it is what I understand.And then when you answer on the paper,you use different kind of sentences based on your understanding.Is it wrong?No!As long as the gists are there."


Madam then shared her travel experiences and told to me and Aida that we can achieve those too,just be patient, work hard and later in life we will enjoy the fruit of our labour.

In sha Allah.

I went back to dorm,smiling ears to ears,jumped unto the bed,read few stories on wattpad and fell asleep.

I mean,victory?

Thank God It's Friday is over.Now study!

Oh she also advised to not study in bulk but rather in chunks and don't get stressed and it is okay to be nervous.

Why am I updating this?
1- I don't have my journal with me
2 -I really admire her,favourite lecturer!
3 -May it be useful to you guys.

Don't hesistate to whats apps me for the answer scheme.I mean,it is good to share kan :) Not really answer scheme but past years attempted that have been marked.


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